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The Uncreakening
A sustainability PSA disguised as a horror film

A sustainability PSA disguised as a horror film

What’s scarier than hearing a creeeeeak in the dead of night? Someone realising it’s coming from a chair, then chucking it out to get a new one. Scary for wallets, scarier for the planet.

Creaky furniture is nothing frightening, it just needs a retightening. So, on the spookiest day of the year, IKEA reminded people to uncreak their furniture with a series of un-horror films.


Billposters, mimicking horror film art direction, had QR codes that led people to the films and learn more about uncreaking their furniture.



All comms led to a content hub where people were encouraged to add a yearly calendar reminder to check their furniture for creaks. And what better day to fix any creaks in the night than the spookiest day of the year Halloween? The hub also provided handy info on how to fix different furniture fixtures and all the uncreaking tools you could want, ready to buy.
